How Can We Be Like God?

Who is like God? Those who serve His children.

WRITTEN by Michael Corthell

Have you ever washed another's feet, cleaned a toilet or scrubbed a floor? And done so happily?

A spirit of humility and joy goes hand in hand with the spirit of service.

''...So while they were eating, Jesus stood up and took off his robe. He got a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Then he poured water into a bowl and began to wash the
followers’ feet. He dried their feet with the towel that was wrapped around his waist.''
John 13:1-17

For Jesus(God incarnate), this was the display of His humility and His servanthood. For the disciples, the washing of their feet was in direct contrast to their core attitudes at that time. Washing of the feet is symbolic of our role in the body of Christ.

Humble, voluntary service is simply doing good things for other people. Those contributions we make in service to others are a positive social actions for the good all. And it's certainly not just for Christians. I emphasize strongly that volunteering is a responsibility we all share equally.

How can you develop the spirit of humility? You choose to. Decide to be humble and then help someone. Look for ways to help people. Practice makes perfect.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a tireless servant in the streets of India helping the poor live just one more day. She was inspired and inspirited by the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan who helped a beaten man, got him a room, paid expenses, and asked for nothing in return. Like this man, Theresa was a servant without the expectation of any payback. She gave her whole life in the service of others. She practiced unconditional love. This is the spirit of humility and service.

''We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.''
Mother Teresa

We give of ourselves, not for money or praise, but because the reward of serving is in the privilege of serving our friends who are all our neighbors.

God asks us to do two things:

''Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second most important command is this: Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself. These two commands are the most important.''
Mark 12:30-31

There is a Chinese proverb that goes like this: ''If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.'' 

''For it is in giving that we receive'' 
Saint Francis of Assisi

It is through serving others that we serve God. To be like God is to be a servant to His people. That is why we 'wash each others feet'.

Shut-up and Listen!

by Ernesto Sirolli

When most well-intentioned aid workers hear of a problem they think they can fix, they go to work. This, Ernesto Sirolli suggests, is naïve. In this funny and impassioned talk, he proposes that the first step is to listen to the people you're trying to help, and tap into their own entrepreneurial spirit. His advice on what works will help any entrepreneur.
